Fall Out Boy is my kind of music <meta name='google-adsense-platform-account' content='ca-host-pub-1556223355139109'/> <meta name='google-adsense-platform-domain' content=''/> <!-- --><style type="text/css">@import url(; div.b-mobile {display:none;} </style> </head><body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

Thursday, May 28, 2009


i'm DAMN sad :(
unfair SH!T (LAH) ...

but me and gemmel are planning sumting tgt to go on that day
secret spy mission :)
not tell u wad it is~~ ;)
BUT we ACCIDENTALLY plan to go out with 7 people on that day
thnk u gemmel for not leaking anything... *bow*
hmm... wad movie to watch? :/

"i came here to make u dance tonight~~
i don't care about my guilty pleasure for u..." - Guilty Pleasure

i only have 2 cans of (gross) beer and 2 bottles of (yum yum) wine...
hmpt Jake only sneaked 3 of each!!!
but dun worry, i'm not getting drunk in a LONGGGG time :)

Hollaback Boy - Cobra Starship

Miss Benzedrine

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


i didn't go to school today.
ya noe how people ALWAYS say that they pon school when they're actually sick? just to make them sound cool?
well, i was sick today.
had a fever AND a headache
you guys must be wondering how i got beer and wine and everything.
one word,

but i'm fine now. lol i woke up at 6.30 to get ready to meet Sathar when i had a HUGE headache. it hurt like crap!!! i told my parents and they said they'll write a letter for me. then i told them i needed to go for choir and council, but they insisted i'd stay home. :( the headache was VERY painful. all thnks to the stupid wine and beer. argh! in the morning i was thinking 'OH DAMN THE STUPID BEER AND WINE I'M NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN'. so i regretted for about, 5 seconds. then my headache went away. hm... i should try wine AND beer AND chocolate AND brownie AND ice cream AND a boy :) (oh CRAP i'm turning into a b*tch again...) <-- censored as Jervina doesn't believe i said it :) i'll probably do that on my bday or sumting....

i hate my sister (this is a random topic becuase she just pissed me OFF) the bloody girl is such b*tch. why can't she shut up? my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE all she can do to me is comment on how STUPID and NAIVE i really am. i hate her, EVERYTHING. admire my sister? SURE, but hey! people admire PASIR HILTON and MICHAEL PHELPS. drugs and drinks baby, drugs and drinks.

okayy, letting go of my pissed-off attitude now. gotta bathe. lol oh and to humour everyone i've limited my words a day. here's a list of words i can only say 1 time a day :)

1) Shawn Beh (PURE HUMOUR!)
2) F*ck (hey, i'm improving!)
3) Mr Shahril (my classic attititude never stops irritating the man)
4) Jake (i'm in process of forgetting him)
5) B*tch (just started...)

i'm SO addicted to Boston Legal now... lol WHAT'S THE BEST SEX IN THE WORLD? hehe... lol Mr Shahril don't try to act as if u don't wanna noe what it means!!!

OHOHOH thought of a new list!!! PEOPLE I HOPE DON'T COME HERE OFTEN!

Mr Shahril (duh-uh)
Jake (DEFINITELY no offence though...)

A Dark Congregation - The Hush Sound
Lighthouse - The Hush Sound

Miss Benzedrine

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i'm soooo drunk right now. but not that drunk cos i can still type and all. but anyways,, DON'T DRINK RED WINE AND EAT CHOCOLATES AND BROWNIES AND THEN TRY TO DRINK A CAN OF BEER. not good... *hic*

Jake went back to America on Sunday. but he says he'll visit again soon. we went to eat at popeyes (YUMmmm) for dinner then send him to America. when leaving, he was blah blah blah about his feelings and blah blah blah. then he asked me some really personal question (oh please i'm not TELLING YOUUUUU) and i kinda turned him down. i WOULD say sorry Jake, but i'm high right now and bitchy.

choir was on from 3-5? urgh then the choir was SO TALKING LIKE CRAP AND IT WAS DIFFICULT TO EVEN SAY A WORD IN THE ROOM. IT WAS BULLSHIT. but if i can remember, we went to find MS and then Drusilla treated us each to a McFlurry. nice Milo McFlurry.....

Had funny sports games. the best was WATER SOCCER. i finally got to do something and fun too. i got realllllly wet. i don't mean sex. or masturbate. oh god i'm really drunk and sick.......................................................

is it me, or is that 16 year old asshole guy at the next block winking at me?

oh well
might as well drink more wine then
i'm such a bitch :)

Who cares what song?

Miss Benzedrine

Friday, May 22, 2009


i'm sorry *blush* i'm watching Boston Legal LOL there's an episode that's really funny...

Season 1 Episode 13 It Girls And Beyond

Brad Chase is doing a case on a woman who is being sued because her partner believes that she lied about being lesbian to get a good business, then she breaks up with her. Brad is having a difficult time with the case as he doesn't 'like' lesbian stuff... LOL the funny parts are @ 2min15sec-3min10sec and 18min52sec-18min57sec.

LOL there was choir today!!! finally, and then i went with lunch with choir people. at first they were...

Terrence (Ho)
(Ho) Sheng Min
Drusilla (NOOB)
Corliss (Yan)
Jervina (Eng)
Shawn (Beh)
Chelsea (?)

Terrence and Sheng Min didn't wanna go out and Chelsea wanted to eat in school. then, sadly, along the way to JuzEat we saw people like ENOCH and HAO PENG and SHAWN KOH. and the last thing they saw was pretty much, me, drus, corliss, jervina AND SHAWN BEH. damn... lol then when they were teasing, Shawn SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED. he suddenly was gone. zip. then we went to the bubble tea shop and he came back. then he disappeared AGAIN when we bought lunch. (turns out this time he went back to school) LOL i'm pretty amazed at how he went and came back suddenly. LOL gotta give credit to him.

we also had Council Commendation. boring, everyone wanted to sleep. BORINGGGGGG...

video again, i'm addicted to Boston Legal XD
Season 1 Episode 13 (It Girls And Beyond) - Boston Legal


Miss Benzedrine

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

oheya (oh, hey ya!)

I'm bored. dead. tired. des,pa,rate. i need enterainment. the only basic thing i do now is watch Boston Legal. oh and Hairspray. ah James Marsden and James Spader are very talented actors. which is why now i've decided about 10 seconds ago to write down my favourite actors in no particular order. no, i don't have any favourite actresses. i'm not les.

William Petesen (CSI LV as Gil Grissom)
David Caruso (CSI Miami as Horatio)
James Marsden (Hairspray as Corny Collins)
Lucas Grabeel (High School Musical as Ryan Evans)
James Spader (Boston Legal as Alan Shore)
Hugh Jackman (X-Men as Wolverine)
Patrick Stump (Moustachette as Eugene) YES HE ACTS
Clark Duke (Sex Drive as Lance)

so far how many? 8 eh?

I can't say how many days i've haven't said or wrote Shawn Beh, cos the man spoke to me. i think it's was roughly about how he hated councillors during chinese class?

damn the boy.

oh, did i fail to mention that i'm a councillor?

sry bout that then.

i'm a councillor

oooh i love these 1 sentence per line thingys with spacings in between

all righty, back to my life. which is sadly, not pitifully, boring.

but u have to thank boston legal.

i've started watching it recently. brilliant.

especially James Spader. good actor.

like James Marsden, just not as good looking. or as veena and i would say it, SHUAI. (in chinese)

OKAY.... no song. but video i'm watching now?
Season 1, Episode 5 (An Eye For An Eye) - Boston Legal

Miss Benzedrine

Sunday, May 17, 2009

guess wad? shane is following my blog 0_o...

yesterday was probably the 2nd MOST boring day next to friday... NOTHING TO DO... lol when studying period, i don't have time. now that exams are over, i can't do anything... oh well...

OMG-D+SH i watched Hairspray lyk 4 times and now i'm in love with James Marsden. DOESN'T HE HAVE, LYK THE PERFECT FACE???? OMG-D+SH i wonder how his parents look like... James Marsden is SOOO PERFECT!!! ah....

Yesterday at about 4 Wen Jun kept asking me to go out with him 'cause he's bored. i ALMOST went to watch a movie, but my mum wanted me to bring my bro along.. WTH my bro would be a buzz killer, so i told Wen Jun i don't wanna go already. lol the boy was like, "YOU TRICKED ME. YOU'RE TRICKING ME." lol...

AT NIGHT WAS FUN! i went out to fetch Jake at the airport! lol he looked, the same i guess. he brought 2 luggages? for lyk, 8 days? then we had dinner at the airport at some fancy place i forgot where... his treat (duh.. HE BETTER) lol i spent like, 20 bucks on him on dinner... then bought him a merlion. small one of cos, and it didn't get struck by lightning. then we walked around the airport a while then i hauled a cab for him and said bye-bye. oh my relative and i decided that they'll show him around in the afternoon and weekdays while i'll show him around at night during the weekend.

i'm bringing him to bedok reservior tonight... LOL THE BOY WANTS TO SEE A LAKE IN SINGAPORE XD. i'll show him a lake alright!

lol choir starts this monday. i'm so scared that i'll be re-auditioned to a diff section. SOPRANO 1 IS MY BIRTH SECTION AND I'M THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS MANAGED TO STAY IN A SECTION FOR LYK, FOREVER. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET MY VOCAL RANGE GET HIGHER!!! :(

oh and some guy in choir (NOT SAYING WHO!) asked me to, *ahem*. i said no. :( so sad...

SHIT i gotta go, or i'll be late! BYE!

Days i have no idea who Shawn Beh is - 4

Lions Roar - The Hush Sound

Miss Benzedrine

Thursday, May 14, 2009

hey guys! this is my 56th post and i'm coming close to 2000 views on my blog! WOOT! keep on coming XDXDXD

TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF EXAMS!!! (if u dun count oral on monday) sooo, me, veena, jervina and drusilla went after school to play bowling and watch a movie. lol overall pretty cool, sine i beat drusilla in bowling like, the first time. i kept missing 'cause in the background they made whiny noises... oh before we went to E!Hub, we had to wait for PeiSi to go home and change. we then went to this playground, where there were vandalism on the slides and everything, with choir juniors names and all... they (veena, drus and jervina) suspect it's s*br*n*, but wateva. *shrug* LOL on top of the slide someone spell POLICE STATION as POLICE SAITION!!! HAHA SO FUNNY! XDXDXD

We watched Ramen Girl. not bad, it's just like Tales Of Desperaux, 2 stars? Boring, but keeps you awake *nod*

Can someone PLEASE tell me who exactly is Shawn Beh? Jervina showed me pictures of me and HIM together, and she says he's my loser lover... (?) WHO THE HELL IS SHAWN BEH??? Veena says he's a loser, Pei Si says he's an alien... CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME EXACTLY WHO SHAWN BEH IS?

Oh i need to see Jake at the airport... lol pick him up. XD

Days Jake's plane is reaching Singapore! - 2!!!


Everything We Had - The Academy Is...

Miss Benzedrine

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


woah, My whole computer crashed. i've lost EVERY data in this hunk of metal. every patrick stump photo!!! sob!

OMG 2 more exam papers and FREEDOM!!! Jervina wants to go Wild Wild Wet and Drusilla and Veena wanna watch Angels and Demons. hard to choose... I CHOOSE BOTH!

ohoh I HAD ANOTHER COOOOL DREAM!!! All of the choir members was together in a room with Mr Sh*hr*l talking to us. then, weirdly he decides to tell all of us to get chairs. so he said "We need 30 chairs." then, there was a 5 second pause. then he said "I was hoping CLARISSA and JOSELYN could get chairs." then me and joselyn stood up to go get chairs. Joselyn looked at me with a 'i-thought-i've-graduated-why-am-i-still-here-in-ur-dream???' look. i shrugged and asked 'why blame me?' NOW i struck me that IT'S MY DREAM. HELLO? -_-||| okay then we went to get chairs. LOL i remembered i annoyed Mr Sh*hr*l in the dream. i kept asking him "How many chair again?" "Now how many chair do we need?" "how many chairs?" till a point when he blew at me saying "CLARISSA, THIS IS THE THIRD TIME I'M SAYING THIS. WE NEED 30 CHAIRS, 30 CHAIRS!" THINKING ABOUT IT NOW, I'M LAUGHING REALLY BADLY. (to a point when i see him i wanna laugh in his face! oops, mr shahril no offence man *peace sign*) oh in the dream he was so angry with me he made me buy him 20 BOTTLES OF WATER!!! for some weird reason i decided to use the money he gave me and bought a crossword puzzle book for him (i know, i'm like WAD THE HELLing now too...) then when i reached back to the room, everyone was lyk, walking back to class... so i never got to pass the crossword puzzle book to Mr Sh*hr*l. XDXDXD me, Drusilla and Jervina was walking back to class (I HAVE NO IDEA why veena isn't here in my dream D: ) we had a new maths 'cher! don't feel bad Miss Nur, 'cause turns out 3 of us HATED the teacher. Drusilla was because she got scolded by the teacher for not bringing the wooksheet XD NOOOOOB. Jervina kepy asking questions (MATHS questions mind you) and the teacher would come close to Jervina (like, REAL CLOSE) and since i was sitting next to Jervina, she lean like CRAZY on me... it was irritating...

Ya know, after today's Bio paper, we went to Mac to eat, then back to school. we saw 9 CHOIR PEOPLE from the gate to the canteen! LOL we were counting... if i can remember the order is

Jin Hui
Wen Jun
Pei Si
Sheng Min

OH that's 8... oops. :)

Days more till Jake reaches Singapore~! - 4

Days i've not written and talked about Sh*wn B*h - 6


English - 12min
Chinese - 45min
Maths - 8min 4sec
Add. Maths - 1hour 24min 10sec
SS - 23min 30 sec
POA - 6min
Elect Lit - 35min 46sec
Chemistry - 0
Bio - 50min 21sec


Skyway Avenue - We The Kings (DON'T ASK)

Miss Benzedrine

Monday, May 11, 2009


ignore the previous post, i didn't complete it 'cos my parents came home then XD alot of stuff incomplete from that... below is my UPDATED music ^^ that i'm listening to now

Nothing matters,
I'm just chasing the wind,
if i can't have you darling...

AH....~~~ nice song :) Thanks to my sister. she let me listen to it once, then i'm now hooked on it...

OH i went out with Drusilla and Jervina to study today... lol we wanted to study in MAC or KFC but it was crowded. we then decided to go to Hagen Dazs... Jervina pronouned it as 'Haygen Daze' and i was lyk "isn't it pronounced as 'Haygen Dust'?" lol the words are how it's PRONOUNCED NOT HOW IT'S SPELLED please i'm not that stupid. ANYWAYYY drus bought a cappucino then she finished it on 2 minutes -,- then we asked for the bill and studied 2 minutes. the plan was to buy another drink/ice cream there after drus but IT WAS VERY EXPENSIVE. so we went to food culture. drus bought sum funny dessert with 'red rubies' (i learned from Jervina that it's some water chestnut crap) then i bought nata de coco with soursop. lol Jervina asked 'Oh it's the sour thing right?' and i was lyk 'uh, Jervina, it's SOURSOP.'
then Drusilla laughed. overall we stayed there for 2 hours plus? listening to music and spamming a innocent victim (Pei Si XD) with smses contributed by Drusilla. At first Drusilla wanted me to spam Pei Si and she didn't know it was me. THEN JERVINA wanted to join in and took over as the sms spammer. then Pei Si was very smart and SOON GUESSED IT WAS JERVINA. lol i took over again and told Pei Si it was me, but she didn't believed me! OVERALL i believe i was the one who studied most, (Bio, Chap 3 Biological Molecules, FYI) then Jervina ([E]Maths, Bio Chap 1 and 5) and Drusilla (Bio Chap 5 [Mind Map]) then after that Drusilla and Jervina ate noodle, then Jervina couldn't finished and i suggested to put it in a cup since she didn't wan a container. then she didn't but i dunno if she ate it... Drusilla after that hauled a taxi to go home, Jervina walked to the sports hall, and i walked home...

I HAD A FREAKY DREAM!!! CHOIR CAMP WAS IN A MANSION LIKE HOTEL!!! in fact, it was in my DREAM HOME MANSION!!! so cool, everyone had lyk a suite it was so cool, 2 people to a room. there's was a pool, theme park, studio, EVEN A HUGE MUSIC ROOM. IMAGINE ALL THAT SUPPOSEDLY BELONGED TO ME!!! oh and i had to manage other stuff in the 'camp' too! and erm, other stuff happened in a dream... *cough cough* personal stuff...

OMG that reminds me of that dream i had of someone and jiawen!!! *WINK WINK* VEENA!!! lol...

Days I haven't written or talked about Sh*wn B*h - 5 (WOOT!!! OMG i hope he doesn't break my chain by talking to me... :O OH NO)

Days before Jake comes to Singapore - 5 (WOW so fast...)

here's an updated list of how long i've studied all the subjects during exam period... (not counting supplementaries and remedials and meet-ups with friends)

English - 12min
Chinese - 45min
Maths - 7min
Add. Maths - 1hour 24min 10sec
SS - 23min 30 sec
POA - 6min
Elect Lit - 0
Chemistry - 0
Bio - 30min 18sec

still counting... 1 more week before exams R OVER! :O

Chasing the Wind - This Providence (i've listened to this song a gazillion times...)
I Love To Singa- Owl Jolson
Colours Of The Wind - Pocahontas
Where We Went Wrong - The Hush Sound
Honorable Mention - Fall Out Boy
Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out - Fall Out Boy

Miss Benzedrine

Saturday, May 9, 2009

hey ya! (super country sounding 'heya')

my bro is kinda annoying me... he's singing all those weird disney-youtube-weird singers that write funny song for 11 year olds like him. what's annoying is that he's singing it and it gets stuck in my head... another song stuck in my head is I LOVE TO SINGA!!! lol drusilla's favourite song *wink*

guess wad? tmr's MOTHER'S DAY!!!

i love to singa!
about the moona and the juna and the springa!
i love to singa!
about a sky of blue or tea for 2,
anything with the swinging to a 'i love you'
oh i love to
i love to


life sometimes is really nice.
sometimes it kicks u in the butt
and that's not nice.


aw song ended :(

no offence people, but this is a complete random post, when i'm listening to music. 'cause that's my favourite thing, listening to music.
with no one talking to me
just sitting there
on a comfy chair (ooo rhymes)
and listen to music...

when i'm on the internet, i listen to music there
not in my walkman
since some songs i really like i can't have them :(
so at the bottom is my music playlist on the net!
at least most of the songs i'm listening to NOW

Roger (the guy in school in charge of chapel and stuff) asked me and veena whether we want to put the song. lol veena's like all happy and she wants to 'copyright reserve' the song and everything. she's like 'YAY A SONG WE WROTE IS GONNA BE IN THE SCHOOL'S SONG BOOK FOR LYK, YEARS AND WE CAN COME BACK TO SCHOOL AND LOOK AT THE SONGBOOK AND BE LYK, WE WROTE THAT SONG!!!' haha! XD that was kinda how i felt to, only i'm not that excited. it's just another achievement as a song writer, *yawn* no biggie *rolls eyes and smile* XD

ohoh i changed my mouse cursor in my laptop. it's now part of a piano/keyboard. then when loading it's a drum, then when the thingy's busy it's a metronome! COOL RIGHT? :D

ANOTHER RANDOM THING... i've come up with a list of things to do when i become a full cool musician!

1) Get a band (drummer, bassist, guitarist)
2) Learn the keytar, piano, trumpet (then i can make noise with *cough cough*) , violin (then i can do duets with *cough cough*) , saxyphone
3) Live in a mansion! :D
4) Have a day reserved when i bring LOADS of unlimited cash to a shopping mall and spend all my money on the worthless stuff there.
5) MUST get PS3, PSP, XBOX, WII and the games ROCK BAND and GUITAR HERO and GTA
6) Get myself 5 kinds of MP4 players to put in my mansion. one in the toilet, one in the kitchen, on e in my own room, one in the living room, and one in the music room.
7) Direct Razia's Shadow : The Musical produced by Thomas Dutton a.k.a. Forgive Durden
8) Form THE WORLD CHAMBER CHOIR comprises of singers

How many days i haven't written/say the name Sh*wn B*h - 2 (darn it.... 2 only??? i thought 4... now that i think about it... wadeva, dun lyk him, dun care)

How many more days till Jake reaches Singapore - 11 days


I Love To Singa - Owl Jolson
Boy From Ipenema - Peggy Lee
Curse Of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For
Colours Of The Wind - Pocahontas
Everything We Had - The Academy Is...
Neighbours - The Acadmey Is...

Miss Benzedrine

Thursday, May 7, 2009

exams really suck. if u study for it, then the paper comes out, you realise you didn't study enough and cry. if u don't study, you realise you're gonna fail bcos u didn't study, then u cry. either way, EXAMS SUCK

why are people saying i have a boyfriend and i KISS??? (ok, mainly only gemmel) WHR THE HECK DID U GET THAT KIND OF STORY???

JERVINA - my life sucked even before Shawn Beh came into it... -,-

here's an updated list of how long i've studied all the subjects during exam period... (not counting supplementaries and remedials)

English - 12min
Chinese - 45min
Maths - 7min
Add. Maths - 54min10sec
SS - 23min 30 sec
POA - 6min
Elect Lit - 0
Chemistry - 0
Bio - 3min

XDXDXD still counting!

I Love To Singa - Owl Jolson

Miss Benzedrine

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Exams still going on... have a feeling i'm failing chinese :O lol with corliss, we both studied wrong stuff T_T oh well, i'm not dying yet... i still have to study for POA and SS tmr... SS is hard, i hope i don't fail (though i'll try studying...)

lol today after school i went to KFC with Jervina, Drusilla, Corliss and Veena. we went to Mac first but it was crowded... then decided to go to KFC, which was MORE crowded, but managed to find a seat there. Corliss and I were ranting on how rich they were... LOL here's the conversation.

Corliss - these people ah, think so rich, can go anywhere to eat..
Me - Why?
Corliss - at first we're at Mac, then now want to go KFC, next we'll go SUBWAY
Me - yeah, then pastamania. OH but it's toooo far so we have take a taxi.
Corliss - yeah, SOOO CHEAP
Me - LOL yeah
Corliss - Then we'll take the taxi that's like a limo.
Me - yup, since WE'RE ALL RICH
Veena - What r u guys talking about?

The conversation on how rich people were stopped there.

then suddenly half way we were eating, Corliss told Veena "Veena watch out, got someone at the door behind." then suddenly this guy wearing a mask ran through the door and scream and shouted LOL IT WAS SO RETARDED then he wanted to run out of the main door but then he banged on the door HAHAHAHAHAHA then pulled the door and ran out. lol drusilla shouted "WHAT A F*CK*R!" so loud at the guy. then a group of guys started laughing like crazy. i think they somehow dared him to do that... because of this, it turned into a mindless quiz on asking classmates if they would PUSH when the door says PULL...

lol in maths supplementary joseph was sleeping damn funny... he slept and woke up like, 3 TIMES. lol and miss nur says we have to be a positive influence on our friends to motivate them to study. i turned around to drusilla and said "See? i have to be a positive influence to you, SO SHUT UP." LOL NOOB DRUSILLA

people PLEASE stop asking me why i stop liking Shawn Beh.. annoying leh. I JUST DON'T LIKE HIM ANYMORE LOR...

YAY jake's coming to singapore! he'll be around EXACTLY after the hols... he made me promise to bring him to orchard and retarded places...

Jake : Hey!!! you HAVE to bring me to Orchard when i reach singapore! didn't go there last time...
Me : LOL okayy, but orchard is like, CROWDED
Jake : But we have to go!!! Promise?
Me : okok... fine
Jake : oh we have to go to the zoo too, and the shopping malls, and the arcade and we HAVE TO EAT AT A HAWKER CENTER!!!
Me : -_-
Jake : oh and don't forget the bird park! ^^

Sometimes, Jake's really very, 'touristsy'... GOSH and he wants to take pictures of HDB flats AGAIN!!! i mean, he's been here 1 time and he saw it, but he didn't take a picture the last time sheesh i gave up trying to convince him that it would be stupid. PLEASE JAKE SINGAPORE IS NOT AS FASCINATING AS YOU THINK!!! oh and he wants to see the big durian. (a.k.a the esplanade) and the merlion.

oh oh i did the same thing as jervina and went to thsoe love doctor stuff. red this :DD

Based on the personality test you did, Clarissa Wee Shi En and Shawn Beh Jia Fuh have a difficult and very slim chance in working together. Clarissa's personality of 'sitting back' laziness will cause this relationship to ruin. Unless Shawn finds ways to continue communicating and keeping an open relationship with Clarissa, the relationship between the two will crumble and fall.


lol here's how long i studied all the subjects during exam period... (not counting supplementaries and remedials)

English - 12min
Chinese - 45min
Maths - 0
Add. Maths - 0
SS - 30 sec
POA - 2min
Elect Lit - 0
Chemistry - 0
Bio - 3min

XDXDXD still counting!

no song AGAIN wah my life stinks...

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Miss Benzedrine

Monday, May 4, 2009

firstly, i'm need to apologise about a mistake i made. QUEENIE is not leaving school anytime soon. guess i heard her wrongly... srysry *bows 3 times* again i am writing a post for no apparent reason. i'm just writing so people know i'm still alive :D

ohoh exams have started on Monday (which is today). lemme tell u how i felt. -_- <--- exactly HOW I FELT. WAH BUT THE COMPO FOR ENGLISH REALLY SUCKED. the wasn't any proper title to write a fictional compo on! all of it was mostly arguementative and experience kind of writing style. i can't DO THAT. fiction's my writing style, not arguementative and experience shit. everyday when i come back home and head to my room, the first thing on my bed is PATRICK~~~ XDXD bad news [i just put him on my bed 0_o] good news [I DO NOT WORSHIP HIM OR HOPE HE'S REAL. that's stupid. and gross. NO I DO NOT KISS HIM. that's even more gross. bleagh] lol in gemmel's blog i'm weestumpbeh! XD what a combination! I have finally downloaded that dota map! OLEH! (i know, it's random...) oh i got another news to break to you choir people and stuff... (ESPECIALLY CORLISS AND JERVINA AND PEISI AND JOANNE {whoa loads of people} AND VEENA AND DRUSILLA AND BERYL AND CLARA AND JOSELYN AND ALL THE CHOIR MEMBERS AND SCHOOLMATES AND CLASSMATES I'M TOO LAZY TO MENTION BY NAME) I DO NOT LIKE SHAWN BEH.
okay maybe i did like him slightly...


no song again, is servicing :(

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Miss Benzedrine

Friday, May 1, 2009

yo hi people~! it's been a while since i've blogged.. sigh haven't been able to use the computer. today i don't feel like talking alot, since there's not much to say (type i mean, sry)

i would like to take this paragraph and thank a very good choir Soprano 2 junior TERRENCE. THANK YOU FOR THE WARCRAFT CD GOD BLESS YA AND TAKE CARE BECAUSE I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO PLAY WARCRAFT AND I CAN FINALLY PLAY IT!!! so thank you.

i'll take THIS paragraph and say bye to queenie! she's moving to another school. T_T byebye queenie DON'T EVER FORGET ME OR I'LL SLAP YOU (don't worry i'm not that violent. since ur my junior. i'm bias, wad else can i say?)


I GOT MY PATRICK STUMP FIGURINE!!! i'll bring it to school when the exams r over, cos i dun think the teachers allow patrick to stand on the table when i'm doing my papers. he doesn't look AT ALL like the figurine BTW. i mean, the figurine makes him look slightly, thin. and um, weird. BUT WATEVAAAA

my parents are overseas now.. they're gone for the whole weekend. this leaves my sister, brother and i alone. but we're staying at my aunty's placeon the first night, then my grandparents place on the second. they're scared for our meals that's why...

there's no more choir, so i guess that's why my life is so boring.

exams start on Monday.


Missing Piece - Forgive Durden

Miss Benzedrine

Never The Same Person When I Go To Sleep, It's When I Wake Up
(She's My Winona)

Facebook, FriendsOrEnemies, Neopets, Photobucket, Plurk, SuperPoke! Pets, Twitter, Xanga Tumblr

Clarissa Wee
20 August
Vocals/Guitar in Highly Reliable Fall Outs

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

I Want Everything
([Coffee's For Closers])

♥ Fall Out Boy - Patrick Stump
♥ Glee - Chris Colfer
♥ Blue
♥ Chocolate
♥ Weester (guitar)
♥ Highly Reliable Fall Outs

[] Gretsch G5135P5 Electromatic Stump-O-Matic Signature Guitar
[] Microphone and Stand
[] Nitendo DS Lite
[] Digital Camera
[] The Kin Two (it's a phone :3)
[] 'Jennifer's Body' CD Soundtrack (album)
[] Believers Never Die - Fall Out Boy (album)

I'm In Love With My Own Sins
(America's Suitehearts)


► Patrick Stump Figurine - Teens Magazine Contest
► Electric Guitar (Jammate) - Destiny Music Awards 2007 - CHAMPION
► S$500 - Sudoku Masters Challenge 2009 - Team Catergory - CHAMPION

Not Once... Twice... Three Times
(West Coast Smoker)

The Wall Lean In To Listen
(Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet)

I'm Afraid That Someone Else Will Hear Me
(The [Shipped] Gold Standards)

These Friends, They Don't Love You
(I Don't Care)

☼ - family
♫ - choir mate
* - school mate/related
~ - class mate
^ - a group/organization sh!t

^♫* Choir *♫^
♫* Clara *♫
^~* Class Blog *~^
♫* Corliss (Yan) *♫
♫~* Drusilla *~♫
♫* Felicia (Low) *♫
* Gemmel *
* Geraldine *
♫* Hanis *♫
^ Highly Reliable Fall Outs ^
♫~* Jervina *~♫
♫* Joanne (Neo) *♫
* John (Shannon Ng) *
♫* Joselyn (Lee) *♫
♫* Khalysha *♫
~* Meredith *~
* Nurush *
♫* Pei Si *♫
♫* Qian Ying *♫
* Queenie *
♫* Shane *♫
♫~* Veena *~♫
* Weina *

I Can't Remember The Good Old Days

* September 2007
* October 2007
* November 2007
* December 2007
* February 2008
* March 2008
* April 2008
* May 2008
* June 2008
* August 2008
* October 2008
* November 2008
* December 2008
* January 2009
* February 2009
* March 2009
* April 2009
* May 2009
* June 2009
* July 2009
* August 2009
* September 2009
* October 2009
* November 2009
* December 2009
* January 2010
* March 2010

Singing Vows Before We Exchange Smoke Rings
(20 Dollar Nose Bleed)

Designer: *ice princess
Hosts: X X
Images: X
Javascripts: X X
Programs: Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Notepad
Inspiration: God, Fall Out Boy

© *ice princess #
all rights reserved